Children & School Eye Exams
It’s crucial for parents to understand that children will rarely complain of an eye problem. Why would they, when they don’t know what “normal” looks like? According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), 1 in 4 children have an untreated vision problem that can lead to improperly diagnosed learning and behavioral issues. And in worst case scenarios, some of these untreated vision problems can become permanent if they are not caught early.
When Should I Bring My Child in For an Eye Exam?
Believe it or not, infants can have their eyes examined at 6 months of age! But in most cases parents should be bringing their child in for their first eye exam by the age of 3. During this time your child is usually out and about, using their vision to explore the world. Pay attention for the signs below to help spot potential vision issues:
Sitting too close to the TV
Pulling their cell phone or tablet really close to their face
Avoiding or Disliking Reading
A Short Attention Span
Difficulty Playing “Catch” or Tying their Shoes
Lots of Blinking or Eye Rubbing
Declining Performance in School
If all is well and no vision correction is required, it is recommended that you bring your child in every 2 years to make sure he or she continues to have healthy eyes. Children with specific health conditions and those who require glasses or contact lenses should come in for an eye exam annually.
Our Children’s Eye Exams will Evaluate:
Eye Health
Distance and Near Vision
Eye Teaming (binocularity) Skills
Eye Movement Skills
Focusing Skills
Peripheral Awareness
Eye/Hand Coordination
Depth and Color Vision
This is why School Screenings just aren’t Enough!
Word of Advice: When scheduling your appointment, pick a time when your child is alert and happy! This will ensure that your child feels most comfortable during the eye exam.