Dry Eye Management
Have you ever felt like your eyes were gritty or scratchy? Almost like there was something stuck in them? How about the feeling of irritated/burning eyes? Almost to the point of excess wateriness or blurred vision? Chances are, you have suffered or are suffering from dry eye and you’re certainly not alone.
Dry eye is a common and often chronic disease that can be diagnosed during your comprehensive eye exam. It is historically common in older adults, but has become much more of a problem today for patients of all ages. Increased use of cell phones, computers, gaming consoles, and tablets have ultimately added to the dry eye epidemic, and students are now victims of their own success as they spend more time studying their textbooks. However, dry eye and it’s severity can also depend on the below:
Medical Conditions
Environmental Conditions
Improper Contact Lens Wear
Laser Eye Treatment
What Actually Causes Dry Eye?
Dry eye typically occurs when there are insufficient tears to lubricate and nourish your eyes. Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the exposed surface of your eyes, and if you’ve ever “blinked” your way into clear vision, you should note that tears also play a prominent role in how you see! Most of our patients with dry eyes either do not produce enough tears or have a poor quality of tears.
What can I do for my Dry Eyes?
During your eye exam, Dr. Faye will be able to determine the cause of your dry eye. Our treatments will aim to restore or maintain the normal amount of tears in the eye to minimize dryness and discomfort, and help keep your eyes healthy. Dr. Faye may recommend artificial tears, which are lubricating eye drops that help alleviate the scratchy feeling or foreign body sensation of dry eye. She might also prescribe eye drops to help increase your tear production. If conditions are worse, there are other treatments that she can also explore.
If you’re more curious about Dry Eye, visit or call us to schedule an exam today.